Dagelijks archief: donderdag 10 juni 2010

Kameroen 1915

vandaag 95 jaar geleden: de Duitse kolonie Kamerun
wordt op 10 juni 1915 door Engelse en Franse troepen veroverd
Kamerun Briefmarken
postzegel uit Kamerun 1900
met Kaiser Wilhelm’s jacht “Hohenzollern”
During the First World War 1914 to 1918 Germany was defeated in Cameroon in 1915 by a combined force of British, French and Belgian troops. The British and French thereafter established a joint administration of the territory (condominium) for a few months, and then partitioned it. The British took a smaller Western band with the Mountain range forming a natural frontier between her sector and the larger eastern French sector. The British sector was disjointed by the Benue Valley thus providing Nothern British Cameroon and Southern Cameroons. Cameroonians were henceforth subjected to two other types of colonial experiences with problems of adaptation to new languages: French and English respectively; new attitudes and cultures. This was a new start all over again. While British ruled their sector of Cameroon as part of Nigeria to which they attached it for administrative convenience, the French ruled the French Cameroun as an entity after carving out of it that part which she had earlier ceded, under pressure, to Germany in 1911 in exchange for German hands-off in Morocco where France wished to have a free hand. At the end of the war, the newly formed League of Nations confirmed the partition of Cameroon and awarded the sectors as Mandates to the British and French respectively in 1922.
Bron: cameroon-tour.com