het Rome van de Rede

Washington, DC is gebouwd volgens principes uit de vrijmetselarij

Toen ik dinsdag naar de inauguratie in Washington, DC keek, viel mij weer op hoe strak en symmetrisch de National Mall gebouwd is. s’ Avonds keek ik nog naar Simon Schama’s documentaire The American Future, a History over de relatie en geschiedenis van religie en politiek in de Verenigde Staten. De derde president Thomas Jefferson bijvoorbeeld, was typisch een man van de Verlichting die vol overtuiging en op bijna mathematische wijze geloofde in de idealen van vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap. Jefferson was een zeer veelzijdige man: naast politicus en filosoof was hij ook wetenschapper, jurist, uitvinder, schrijver én architect. De gebouwen die hij ontwierp, waren eigenlijk tempels gewijd aan de Rede, de ‘god’ van de Verlichting.

het Capitol in Washington
strenge symmetrie beheerst Capitol Hill
Come let me lead thee
o’er the second Rome…
This embryo capital,
where Fancy sees
Squares in morasses,
obelisks in trees;
Which second-sighted seers,
ev’n now, adorn,
With shrines unbuilt
and heroes yet unborn…

The City of Washington
(Thomas Moore, 1804)

Met de bouw van het heiligdom van Democracy , het Capitol in Washington DC werd in 1791 begonnen. Pas in 1863 zou de imposante koepel voltooid worden. Bekroond met een enorm beeld dat de Vrijheid symboliseert, zou je het Capitol als een uitgesproken ‘tempel van de Rede’ kunnen beschouwen. En het gaat nog verder, want de hele omgeving van het Capitol is ontworpen volgens strenge principes. David Ovason heeft hier het boek The Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital over geschreven.

plattegrond van de National Mall
met de Sephroth uit de Kaballah
satellietfoto van de National Mall

David Ovason - The Secret Architecture of our Nation's CapitalToday, there are more than twenty complete zodiacs in Washington, D.C., each one pointing to an extraordinary mystery. David Ovason, who has studied these astrological devices for ten years, now reveals why they have been placed in such abundance in the center of our nation’s capital and explains their interconnections. His richly illustrated text tells the story of how Washington, from its foundation in 1791, was linked with the zodiac, with the meaning of certain stars, and with a hidden cosmological symbolism that he uncovers here for the first time. Fascinating and thoroughly researched, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation ‘s Capital is an engrossing book that raises provocative questions and otters complex insights into the meanings behind the mysterious symbols in Washington. (Bron: harpercollins.com)

The Secret Symbols of  the Dollar BillDo you know the true meaning of a dollar? Few people do. Now an expert on arcane symbolism uncovers the fascinating secret meanings behind the design of the money we use every day. In The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill, David Ovason explores the visual complexity and magic behind the world’s most influential currency. Lively and readable, this extraordinary book invites you to take a dollar bill in hand and set off on a visual adventure. You will discover dazzling explanations of its secret contents — from the symbols derived from the Great Seal to the extraordinary strands of numerology interwoven into its structure, to sur-prising hidden alignments. Once you discover the magic and mystery revealed in The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill, you will find that the dollar in your wallet is worth so much more than what you can buy with it.(Bron: harpercollins.com)

David Ovason cannot be labeled an anti-mason. In fact he is careful to disassociate himself from those who hold a negative opinion of Freemasonry and has, since publishing this book, become a freemason. But he is an astrologer by trade and inclination, and his perspective is strongly influenced by his own beliefs. This leads him to conclusions about Freemasonry and freemasons that are not contained within the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry. Unfortunately a number of his unsubstantiated claims can be used by those who do wish to condemn Freemasonry. For that reason a brief overview of his book is included here.
Bron: freemasonry.bcy.ca

the architect of the capitol [ aoc.gov ] | freemasonrywatch.org