David Stone Martin

Album Cover Art van David Stone Martin

todaysinspiration.blogspot.com van Leif Peng is waarschijnlijk de beste blog over historische illustratie die er op dit moment is. Bovendien wordt deze nog eens ondersteund door een imposante verzameling illustraties op flickr.com. Deze week wordt aandacht besteed aan de Amerikaanse illustrator David Stone Martin uit de jaren vijftig. Zoals we van Leif Peng gewend zijn met een relevante link.

Charlie Parker
In the world of jazz there is one artist collected the world over who has never played an instrument not even a note of music but has left his mark on the jazz culture. Illustrator David Stone Martin was one of the most prolific and influential graphic designers of the postwar era, with his signature hand sketched graphics with two or three primary colors, perfectly capturing the energy and spontaneity of the jazz idiom.
David Stone Martin was born in Chicago and studied at the Chicago Art Institute there. During the 1930′s and 1940′s he worked for Government agencies, as supervisor of mural projects of the Federal Artists Project, art director for the Tennessee Valley Authority, graphic arts director for the Office of Strategic Services and art director for the Office of War Information, where he was a colleague and friend of Ben Shahn, the artist.
Martin’s work is included in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Smithsonian Institution. He won numerous awards from the Society of Illustrators and the Art Directors Clubs of New York City, Boston and Detroit.
Bron: flickr.com

David Stone Martin [ todaysinspiration.blogspot.com ]
The Album Cover Art of David Stone Martin