virtuele reis door de hel [7]

deze maand daal ik met Dante en Vergilius af in de hel
de zesde kring: de ketters

Phlegyas zet Dante en Vergilius de Styx over . Nadat een engel de poort geopend heeft, komen ze in de stad van Dis (een van de Latijnse namen van de god Hades), waar de geweldplegers gestraft worden. Het eerste deel van Dis, de zesde kring van de hel, is een grafveld met brandende open graven, waarin de ketters liggen, o.a. Epicurus.

Zodra ik bij deze tombe stond, keek hij me wat laatdunkend aan en vroeg: “Wie waren uwe vaderen?”
Dante opts for the most generic conception of heresy–the denial of the soul’s immortality (Inf. 10.15)–perhaps in deference to spiritual and philosophical positions of specific characters he wishes to feature here, or perhaps for the opportunity to present an especially effective form of contrapasso: heretical souls eternally tormented in fiery tombs. More commonly, heresy in the Middle Ages was a product of acrimonious disputes over Christian doctrine, in particular the theologically correct ways of understanding the Trinity and Christ. Crusades were waged against “heretical sects,” and individuals accused of other crimes or sins–e.g., witchcraft, usury, sodomy–were frequently labeled heretics as well.
Heresy, according to a theological argument based on the dividing of Jesus’ tunic by Roman soldiers (Matthew 27:35), was traditionally viewed as an act of division, a symbolic laceration in the community of “true” believers. This may help explain why divisive, partisan politics is such a prominent theme in Dante’s encounter with Farinata.

Dante Online | illustraties Doré | Dante Inferno