decoratief delirium

Lennard Schuurmans is een kunstenaar uit Schiedam

Decoratief delirium met o.a. graffiti, underground comix, tattoos, tribal en soms een knipoogje naar Heinz Edelmann (Yellow Submarine)

Lennard Schuurmans
His drawings populated themselves over the years with influences from all over the globe, and you wonder if his specific clash is a dutch one or that of some alien life form. He now lives in Schiedam, a industrial suburb of Rotterdam, in a high tower without heating but with hidden chambers. Where former owners once grew drugs, he now paints colorful creatures snuffling and hugging themselves on the walls together with his friends. While he claims to be just an artist who loves to draw, you might search for a greater meaning behind his drawings, murals, panels, and objects. Wondering if painting ever died as an art form, or if his lack of intension is an expression of our time.