

Eduard Bezembinder is niet de enige blogger die op het web langs vreemde kusten surft op zoek naar exotisch of historisch, maar altijd inspirerend beeldmateriaal. PK uit Australiëis ook een plaatjesfreak en beheert een blog waar zelfs een boek over verschenen is.

A voyage to the Pacific Ocean by James Cook
prent uit A voyage to the Pacific Ocean by James Cook (1728-1779) vol. IV
BibliOdyssey’s mission over the past two years has been to diligently trawl the dustier corners of the Internet and retrieve these materials for our attention. Thanks to the daily efforts of this singular blog, a myriad of long-forgotten imagery has now re-surfaced, from eighteenth-century anatomical and architectural drawing to occult and alchemical engravings and proto-Surrealist depictions of the horrors of industrialization (for example, the half-plant, half-people illustrations of J.J. Grandville). Each of the images is accompanied by commentary from “PK,” author and curator of the BibliOdyssey blog. The book also provides details for each image and links to the source website. With a foreword by artist Dinos Chapman, BibliOdyssey is a true cabinet of curiosities and a journey in discovery and delight.
