my favourite things [ 16 ]

animatiefilm peur(s) du noir met o.a. werk van Charles Burnes
Peurs du noir
still uit peur(s) du noir

Imagine Herge’s brightness, the sardonic darkness of the 50„ horror comic strips, add a good dose of teenage ill-being and you will grasp what Charles Burns world is about. He was born 50 years ago in Washington D.C and he was launched at the beginning of the 1980’s by Art Spiegelman and Françoise Mouly in the pages of Raw magazine. Since he has completed several works (Defective stories, El Borbak) published around the world. He has just completed Black hole, his longest work whose publication is on its way in France. He is the illustrator of the first anthology of grunge music; he has also illustrated the CD “Brick by brick” by Iggy Pop, of whom he is a great fan.


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