elegante eenvoud

gezien met Michaela: Coco avant Chanel (2008)

Audrey TautouAudrey Tautou is Michaela’s favouriete actrice en omdat ze een nieuwe film gemaakt heeft is, zaten we zaterdagavond in de bioscoop naar Coco avant Chanel te kijken. De film gaat over de eerste helft van haar leven waarin ze de maîtresse was van de Franse playboy Étienne Balsan. Op zijn kasteel leerde ze haar grote liefde kennen, de Engelse steenkolenondernemer Arthur “Boy” Capel. Coco avant Chanel laat een overtuigend beeld zien van de verveelde Franse jetset aan het begin van de vorige eeuw. Er is een glansrol voor de Waalse acteur Benoît Poelvoorde die de rol van Balsan speelt. En Audrey Tautou toont weer eens dat ze als actrice genoeg in huis heeft om haar Amélie-imago van zich af te schudden. De elegante eenvoud die Coco Chanel introduceerde, is op haar lijf geschreven.

While working at a tailoring shop she met and soon began an affair with the French playboy and millionaire Étienne Balsan who lavished her with the beauties of “the rich life,” diamonds, dresses and pearls. While living with Balsan, Chanel began designing hats as a hobby, which soon became a deeper interest of hers. After opening her eyes, as she would say, Coco left Balsan and took over his apartment in Paris. In 1913, she opened up her very first shop which sold a range of fashionable raincoats and jackets. Situated in the heart of Paris it wasn’t long before the shop went out of business and Chanel was asked to surrender her properties. This did not discourage Chanel; it only made her more determined. During the pre-war era, Chanel met up with an estranged and former best friend of Étienne Balsan, Arthur “Boy” Capel, with whom she soon fell in love. With his assistance, Chanel was able to acquire the property and financial backing to open her second millinery shop in Brittany. Her hats were worn by celebrated French actresses, which helped to establish her reputation. In 1913, Chanel introduced women’s sportswear at her new boutique in Deauville, in the Rue Gounaut-Biron; Marthe, Countess de Gounaut-Biron (daughter of American diplomat, John George Alexander Leishman), was Chanel’s first aristocratic client. Her third shop and successor to her biggest store in France was located in Deauville, where more women during the World War I era came to accept her view that women were supposed to dress for themselves and not their men.
Bron: nl.wikipedia.org
Chanel en Madonna
Audrey Tautou in ‘Coco Avant Chanel’ en Madonna in de videoclip ‘Papa don’t preach’
elegante en flodderige eenvoud

Coco avant Chanel [ official site ] | Coco avant Chanel [ imdb.com ]