er was eens … [ 4 ]

Ivan Bilibin (1876-1942) uit Rusland

De periode 1870-1930 wordt wel eens The Golden Age of Illustration genoemd. Door het populaire Edwardian Gift Book was het geïllustreerde sprookjesboek in Engeland tot een uitzonderlijk hoog niveau gekomen. De meeste tekenaars die zo’n honderd jaar geleden actief waren, stonden onder invloed van het symbolisme en Jugendstil met zijn geaccentueerde lijnenspel. In deze serie vijf van deze illustratoren uit vijf verschillende landen die in hun unieke beeldtaal bekende sprookjes en sagen visualiseerden: Kay Nielsen, Edmund Dulac, Arthur Rackham, Ivan Bilibin en Harry Clarke.

Ivan Bilibin
illustratie van Ivan Bilibin
Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin was a 20th-century illustrator and stage designer who took part in the Mir iskusstva and contributed to the Ballets Russes. Throughout his career, he was inspired by Slavic folklore. Ivan Bilibin was born in a suburb of St. Petersburg. He studied in 1898 at Anton Ažbe Art School in Munich, then under Ilya Repin in St. Peterburg. In 1902-1904 Bilibin travelled in the Russian North, where he became fascinated with old wooden architecture and Russian folklore. He published his findings in the monograph Folk Arts of the Russian North in 1904. Another influence on his art was traditional Japanese prints. Bilibin gained renown in 1899, when he released his illustrations of Russian fairy tales. During the Russian Revolution of 1905, he drew revolutionary cartoons. He was the designer for the 1909 première production of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Golden Cockerel. The October Revolution, however, proved alien to him. After brief stints in Cairo and Alexandria, he settled in Paris in 1925. There he took to decorating private mansions and Orthodox churches. He still longed for his homeland and, after decorating the Soviet Embassy in 1936, he returned to Soviet Russia. He delivered lectures in the Soviet Academy of Arts until 1941. Bilibin died during the Siege of Leningrad.

Ivan Bilibin [ ]