patriarch van Rome

Op de website van het Griekse aartsbisdom van Amerika staat een verklaring bij de dood van paus Johannes Paulus II. Hierin wordt benadrukt hoeveel deze paus betekend heeft voor de toenadering tussen het Oosterse en het Westerse Christendom, de Orthodoxe en de Rooms-katholieke Kerk.

During the tenure of Pope John Paul II, the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church has improved significantly. In a most recent relevant event last November, Archbishop Demetrios, spiritual leader of 1.5 million Greek Orthodox Christians in America, had the opportunity to visit and be with the Pope in a special occasion at The Vatican. This was a ceremony during which the Pope, responding to the request of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, returned the Holy Relics of Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Gregory the Theologian, two of the most prominent Fathers of the undivided Church. The Holy Relics now rest at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople.

Statement of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on the Death of Pope John Paul II