Psalters [ 4 ]

Oud-Engels: Eadwine Psalter, c. 1150
The Eadwine Psalter was produced at Christ Church, Canterbury, around the middle of the twelth century; it is one of several Anglo-Saxon and early Norman books that show the influence of the Carolingian Utrecht Psalter, which was in Canterbury at this time. The psalter is named for the monk Eadwine who was primarily responsible for its production.
The book presents three versions of the Psalms: the Gallican version (in the large text block under the picture), the Roman version (to the right of the Gallican), and the Hebrew version (in the rightmost column). The psalter is accompanied by extensive introductions (here the end of one shows above the picture) and commentaries (to the left of the Gallican version). In addition, the Roman version is glossed in Old English and the Hebrew version in Old French.
Eadwine Psalter
bladzijde uit het Eadwine Psalter

Beatus uir qui timet dominum. in mandatis eius cupit nimis.
Potens in terra erit semens eius. generatio

Gelukkig de mens met ontzag voor de Heer en met liefde voor zijn geboden. Zijn nageslacht (geniet aanzien in het hele land, de oprechten worden gezegend.)

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