Mantegna in het Louvre

Mantegna in het Musée du Louvre
26 september t/m 5 januari 2009
Outside Italy, the most important collection of paintings by Mantegna is in the Musée du Louvre. Joined by exceptional loans from both French and foreign collections, a major retrospective exhibition of this eminent Renaissance figure has been organized, for the first time in France. The exhibition aims at tracing, through works of varying techniques, the principal stages of this artist’s career; it will evoke the different influences which marked this artist and the precocious diffusion of his art.
Andrea Mantegna
Calvarieberg (detail) 1457-1459
olieverf op hout, 76 x 96 cm
In 1550, in his “Life” of the artist, Giorgio Vasari described Mantegna as the inventor of copperplate engraving in Italy, thus creating a real myth. Specialists are still divided over this question: some consider that Mantegna never handled a burin himself but provided designs for printmaking. As court painter, Mantegna was under the strict control of the Gonzaga family who forbade him to sell his works. This new reproduction technique, in addition to its particular expressive qualities, enabled him to export his inventions outside Mantua. The contract signed in 1475 with Gian Marco Cavalli is explicit: the young goldsmith was obliged to keep his models and prints secret, under threat of severe penalties. For having done just this, Simone Ardizzoni another engraver, was severely beaten on Mantegna’s orders, and was to claim justice from the Marquis.
Andrea Mantegna
graflegging (detail) circa 1470-1475
Burijn en droge naald, 29.9 x 44.2 cm

Andrea Mantegna, PietaAndrea Mantegna (1431-1506 )
is een van de schilders uit de renaissance en gebruikt dan ook in zijn werk veel klassieke elementen. Mantegna is daarbij beïnvloed door Donatello. Het gebruik van perspectief door Mantegna is voor die tijd magnifiek. Ook de anatomie van het menselijk lichaam kende hij goed, en hij was tevens in staat de moeilijke techniek van de verkorting in beeld te brengen.

Mantegna Exhibition [ ] | Andrea Mantegna [ ]