Amerikaanse landschapsschilders [4]

M. Shawn Cornell uit Lebanon, Illinois
M. Shawn Cornell
M. Shawn Cornell 2008
Faust Park, Chesterfield, MO
plein air painting is painting
from life and life’s inspirations
and experiences during that
exact moment they„re happening
Plein air painting is about the interaction of the artist and their surroundings during a brief moment of life. It’s direct contact with a chilly wind gust against the painter’s face, the smell of spring flowers, and quickly shifting light. It’s the buzz of a bee, and the excitement of children as they run up to ask if they’re a real artist. It’s exposing themselves to the elements and the publics scrutinies. No other mode of painting provides a more direct connection between artist, subject and public. Plein air painting is painting from life and life’s inspirations and experiences during that exact moment they’re happening.