Dagelijks archief: woensdag 12 augustus 2009

Italiëgangers [ 7 ]

Samuel Morse in Italië (1829-1831)

Samuel F. B. Morse, zelfportret, 1818De uitvinder van de telegraaf was oorspronkelijk kunstschilder. Net als Goethe maar ook talloze andere Amerikanen, maakte Samuel Morse (1791-1872) een Grand Tour. Van 1829 tot 1831 verbleef hij net als zijn landgenoot Thomas Cole in Europa en in Italië. In 1829 zou hij daar nog net Karl Blechen ontmoet kunnen hebben, maar Jean-Baptiste Corot zat dat jaar alweer in Frankrijk. Na zijn terugkeer in Amerika ging Morse zich steeds meer bezighouden met de geheimen van de elektriciteit en schilderde hij nauwelijks nog. Samuel Morse had zeker genoeg talent om als schilder carriere te kunnen maken, maar is toch vooral de boeken ingegaan als de uitvinder van de telegraaf en het naar hem genoemde alfabet.

1829 – In November, leaving his children in the care of other family members, Morse sets sail for Europe. He visits Lafayette in Paris and paints in the Vatican galleries in Rome. During the next three years, he visits numerous art collections to study the work of the Old Masters and other painters. He also paints landscapes. Morse spends much time with his novelist friend James Fenimore Cooper.
Bron: inventors.about.com
Samuel F. B. Morse, Subiaco
The Chapel of the Virgin at Subiaco, 1830
Samuel Morse in Italië
17 juni 1830 tot 2 februari, 1831
During all these months Morse was diligently at work in the various galleries, making the copies for which he had received commissions, and the day’s record almost invariably begins with “At the Colonna Palace all day”; or, “At the Vatican all day”; or wherever else he may have been working at the time.
The heat of the Roman summer seems not yet to have inconvenienced him, for he does not complain, but simply remarks: “Sun almost vertical,… houses and shops shut at noon.” He has this to say of an Italian institution: “Lotteries in Rome make for the Government eight thousand scudi per week; common people venture in them; are superstitious and consult _cabaliste_ or lucky numbers; these tolerated as they help sell the tickets.”
While working hard, he occasionally indulged himself in a holiday, and on June 16 he, in company with three other artists, engaged a carriage for an excursion to Albano, Aricia, and Genzano, “to witness at the latter place the celebrated _festa infiorata_, which occurs every year on the 17th of June.”
Bron: Samuel-F-B-Morse-His-Letters-and-Journals
Samuel F. B. Morse, portret van Benjamin West
Samuel Morse maakte deze kopie van een portret van Benjamin West, geschilderd door Thomas Lawrence. West was de nestor van de Amerikaanse schilderkunst, maar woonde in Londen. Morse reisde in 1811 naar Engeland waar hij enkele privélessen van West kreeg.

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