Dagelijks archief: woensdag 30 juli 2008


gezien : Master and Commander, The Far Side of the World (2003)

Master and Commander DVDNa vijf jaar geen film meer te hebben geregisseerd, maakte Peter Weir in 2003 zijn duurste ($150 miljoen) productie ooit: Master and Commander, The Far Side of the World naar de gelijknamige Master and Commander-reeks. Auteur Patrick O’Brian had in 1995 de filmrechten verkocht aan Samuel Goldwyn Jr. maar maakte de verfilming zelf niet meer mee. O’Brian overleed in 2000 op 85-jarige leeftijd. Russell Crowe speelt een mooie hoofdrol als Captain Jack Aubrey op de HMS Surprise, een fregat van de koning van Engeland. Voor de film werd gebruik gemaakt van de replica Tall Ship Rose (zie kader) Crowe is er geknipt voor: hij heeft dezelfde ogen als Thom Hoffman of Bruno Ganz die hondentrouw uitstralen, in dit geval loyaliteit aan de koning van Engeland. Het verhaal speelt zich af in 1812 wanneer Engeland in oorlog is met Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten. Maar in de film zijn, anders dan in het boek, niet de Verenigde Staten de vijand, maar Frankrijk tijdens de coalitieoorlog van 1805. De filmmaatschappij vreesde namelijk dat het lucratieve Amerikaanse publiek anders weg zou blijven. Uiteraard werd de film in Frankrijk niet erg enthousiast ontvangen. Zo echoot de coalitieoorlog uit 1805 tweehonderd jaar later nog na…

Tall Ship RoseTall Ship Rose is a replica of an 18th century Royal Navy frigate that cruised the American coast during the Revolutionary War. Built in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, the Rose operated as a sail training vessel from 1985 to 2001. Thousands of people from all over the world experienced adventure at sea aboard the Rose as she ranged from her homeport in New England as far north as Labrador and as far south as Grenada, into the Great Lakes as far west as Duluth and east to the Atlantic coast of Europe. In 2003 the ship appeared as the HMS Surprise in the 20th Century fox film Master and Commander: Far Side of the World starring Russell Crowe and directed by Peter Weir.

foto’s van de Tall Ship Rose als de HMS Surprise

Regelmatig kwamen bij mij herinneringen naar boven aan de Onedin Line, maar die serie speelde zich een halve eeuw later af, toen de scheepvaart veel moderner was geworden. Master and Commander is een epos dat aan alles de ruimte geeft: natuurlijk de gevechten op zee en het alledaagse, vaak saaie leven aan boord, maar ook de uitstapjes aan wal, zoals een excursie op de Galapagos eilanden. Je ziet Charles Darwin, die een kleine twintig jaar later deze eilanden zou bezoeken, al rondlopen met schetsboek, vlindernet en gevlochten vogelkooitjes op zijn rug. Zo schetst de film ook een goed tijdsbeeld. Kortom, een mooi portret van het leven op zee anno 1812 en tegelijkertijd een psychologisch verhaal over autoriteit.

The Far Side of the World continues the story of Jack Aubrey’s exploits during the War of 1812. Aubrey reports to his commander-in-chief at Gibraltar, who sends him and HMS Surprise to intercept the American frigate USS Norfolk which plans to attack British whalers in the South Seas. Jack makes all haste to have the Surprise victualled as quickly as possible and recruits a new master, a Mr Allen. Not only is he an excellent seaman but he also has an in-depth knowledge of whalers, having sailed previously with Connington on a semi exploration-whaling expedition to the South Atlantic. Stephen Maturin also persuades Jack to take Mr Martin along with them, a clergyman who Jack approves of and who is unhappy with his current ship. 
Maturin receives disturbing news from his intelligence-chief in London, Sir Joseph Blaine, which tends to confirm his suspicions of treason and infiltration by the French. He also hears from his wife, who has heard rumours of the infidelity he pretended in Valetta, Malta with the red-haired Mrs Fielding for intelligence reasons. He sends a letter to reassure her via Andrew Wray, unaware of the latter’s role as a French agent.
The Surprise encounters many setbacks, suffering delays in Brazil from a lightening-struck prow before they round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean to locate the Norfolk, which has captured and burnt several whalers. The British, having nearly been shipwrecked by the tail of a typhoon, finally discover the Norfolk wrecked on a reef by the same typhoon and her crew encamped on an island. Aubrey, Mr Martin and some of the crew take Stephen ashore as he has fallen unconscious from an accident and needs to be on land to recover. However, although Stephen makes a recovery, another heavy storm blows the Surprise away and they are left stranded. Relations between the two marooned groups deteriorate rapidly, particularly after Jack announces to the American Captain Palmer that he will have to take his crew prisoner. Some of them are from the Hermione that mutinied in the West Indies and they know they will be hanged if caught. The situation reaches a crisis point after Jack orders to Surprises to extend their boat so they can sail away, pushing them particularly hard when he sees an American whaler on the horizon. The Norfolks sabotage the boat after spotting the same whaler but it is at this point that they see her strike her colours, having been pursued through a gap in the reef by the Surprise.
A sub-plot in the book is the illict affair between the sweet singing but otherwise untalented Hollom, a passed midshipman but too old to become a lieutenant, and the pretty wife brought aboard by the sexually impotent gunner, Horner. Hollom is considered a Jonah by the crew – someone who brings bad luck to the ship – and the two lovers are beaten to death by the ferocious, brutal and jealous husband on an island whilst the Surprise is being provisioned. Horner himself sinks into a black despair and is discovered hanging in his cabin.
Bron: en.wikipedia.org
