Dagelijks archief: vrijdag 25 november 2016

McCullough on Trump

Opnieuw gelezen in de biografie over John Adams van David McCullough

David McCullough is een historicus om van te houden. Zijn biografie uit 2001 over de tweede president van de Verenigde Staten John Adams is hartverwarmend. Eerder schreef hij Truman (1992), een biografie over de 33e president van de VS Harry Truman. Ik was benieuwd hoe McCullough tegenover Trump zou staan en vond een video in de serie Historians on Donald.

David McCullough over Trump:
“He is unwise. He is plainly unprepared, unqualified and, it often seems, unhinged. How can we possibly put our future in the hands of such a man?”
“So much that Donald Trump spouts is so vulgar and so far from the truth and mean-spirited. It is on that question of character especially that he does not measure up. He is unwise. He is plainly unprepared, unqualified and, it often seems, unhinged. How can we possibly put our future in the hands of such a man?”