Maandelijks archief: mei 2006

Kiev in De Nieuwe Kerk

19de-eeuwse meesterwerken uit het National Art Museum of Ukraine
De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam presenteert vanaf 25 mei een bijzondere selectie van ruim vijftig 19de- en vroeg 20ste-eeuwse schilderijen uit het National Art Museum of Ukraine. De keuze is gemaakt door Jan Hein Sassen, eerder werkzaam als conservator van het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Hij was ook verantwoordelijk voor de tentoonstelling „Stad & Land„ met 19de-eeuwse werken uit het Stedelijk Museum, die in 2003 in De Nieuwe Kerk te zien was.
Voor de beeldende kunst van Oekraïne zijn de 19de en de vroeg 20ste eeuw van groot belang geweest. Deze „Gouden Eeuw van de Oekraïne„ heeft bekende kunstenaars voortgebracht, die enorm productief waren en in een grote diversiteit aan stijlen werkten. Net als in de andere Europese landen wordt deze periode gekenmerkt door grote sociale en politieke veranderingen en vooruitgang op wetenschappelijk en technisch gebied. Niet voor niets zien we die grote veranderingen dan ook terug in de kunst van de 19de en begin 20ste eeuw. In de tentoonstelling is bovendien het groeiende nationalisme van de 19de eeuw goed te volgen.

ChevtchenkoTaras Shevchenko, born 9 March 1814 in Moryntsi (Kiev gubernia), died 10 March 1861 in St Petersburg, (Russia). Artist, poet, and national bard of Ukraine. Born a serf, Shevchenko was orphaned in his early teens and grew up in poverty and misery. He was taught to read by the village precentor and was often beaten for `wasting time’ on drawing, for which he had an innate talent. At the age of 14 he was taken by his owner, P. Engelhardt, to serve as houseboy, and traveled extensively with him, first to Vilnius (1828-31) and then to St Petersburg. Engelhardt noticed Shevchenko’s artistic talent and apprenticed him to the painter V. Shiriaev for four years. During that period Shevchenko spent his free time sketching the statues in the imperial summer gardens. There he met the Ukrainian artist I. Soshenko, who introduced him to other compatriots in St Petersburg, Ye. Hrebinka, V. Hryhorovych, and O. Venetsianov. Through them he met the Russian painter K. Briullov, whose portrait of the Russian poet V. Zhukovsky was disposed of in a lottery, the proceeds of which were used to buy Shevchenko’s freedom from Engelhardt on 22 April (os, 5 May ns) 1838.

De Nieuwe Kerk toont schilderijen en aquarellen van de bekendste Oekraïense kunstenaars uit de 19de en de vroeg 20ste eeuw. Landschappen, portretten en het volksleven zijn hun belangrijkste onderwerpen. Hoogtepunten zijn de werken van de schilders Repin, Murashko, Shevchenko en Levchenko en het monumentale werk De Bruid van de schilder Krychevsky.
Kiev Nieuw Kerk Amsterdam
affiche van de tentoonstelling |
Articles, Reviews & Essays on Ukrainian Art


gelezen in Trouw: interview met Bat Ye’ or (Dochter van de Nijl),
een Joods historica over de geschiedenis van de islam
Om de cultuur van door de islam onderworpen volkeren te beschrijven, introduceerde Bat Ye„or het begrip „dhimmitude„. Het komt van het Arabische woord „dhimmi„ – een onderworpen Jood of christen. Een dhimmi moest conform islamitische rechtsregels behandeld worden. Zo mocht een dhimmi niet op een paard rijden (alleen op een ezel), moest hij speciaal herkenbare kleding dragen, en zijn huis mocht niet hoger zijn dan dat van een moslim. Ook werden dhimmi’s gedwongen om een speciale, zeer hoge belasting te betalen.
Bij het innen ervan dienden zij publiekelijk vernederd te worden. Zo schrijft de Marokkaanse islamitische rechtsgeleerde al-Maghili aan het einde van de vijftiende eeuw: ,,Op de dag van de betaling moeten zij [de dhimmi’s] samengebracht worden op het marktplein. Daar moeten ze wachten op de laagste en smerigste plaats. (…) Dan moeten ze, een voor een, naar voren gesleept worden (naar de verantwoordelijke beambte) om te betalen. Als ze betalen, krijgt de dhimmi een klap, en wordt hij opzij gesmeten, zodat hij denkt dat hij aan het zwaard ontkomen is. Dit is de manier waarop de vrienden van de Heer, van de eerste en de laatste generatie, zullen handelen tegenover hun ongelovige vijanden, want de macht behoort bij Allah, bij zijn Boodschapper, en bij de Gelovigen.“

Bat Ye' orBat Ye„or, born in Cairo, became a stateless refugee in 1957 and a British citizen by marriage in 1959, before settling in Switzerland. She became the pioneer researcher on „dhimmitude„ – the inferior status of subjected non-Muslims. She has been described by Sir Martin Gilbert in the third volume of his History of the 20th Century as “the acknowledged expert on the plight of Jews and Christians in Muslim lands“.
The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam (French, 1980; English, 1985) gave Bat Ye„or international recognition. It is an essential introduction to The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam. From Jihad to Dhimmitude (1991;1996).Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide (2002), completes her trilogy on the study of „dhimmitude.„ Bat Ye’or’s latest work, Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (2005) focuses on Europe’s transformation into „Eurabia„ over the past 30 years. |

wounded by love [ 2 ]

gelezen: Wounded by Love; Life and Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios
Within us there is a part of the soul called the „moralist„. This „moralist„, when it sees someone going astray, is roused to indignation, even though very often the person who judges has strayed in the same way. He does not, however, take this as an occasion to condemn himself, but the other person. This is not what God wants. Christ says in the Gospel: You, then, that teach others, will you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal? [4] It may be that we do not steal, but we commit murder; we reproach the other person and not ourselves. We say, for example: „You should have done that and you didn„t do it. So see now what’s happened to you!„ When we think of evil, then it can actually happen. In a mysterious and hidden manner we diminish the power of the other person to move towards what is good, and we do him harm. We can become the occasion for him to fall ill, to lose his job or his property. In this way we do harm, not only to our neighbour, but also to ourselves, because we distance ourselves from the grace of God. And then we pray and our prayers are not heard. We „ask and do not receive„. Why? Have we ever thought of this? „Because we ask wrongly.„ We need to find a way to heal the tendency within us to feel and think evil about others.
It’s possible for someone to say, „The way that person is behaving, he will be punished by God,„ and to believe that he is saying this without evil intent. It is a simple matter, however, to discern whether he has or does not have evil intent. It does not appear clearly. What is hidden in our soul and how that can exercise influence on people and things is a very secret matter.
The same is not true if we say with a sense of awe that another person is not living well and that we should pray for God to help him and grant him repentance; that is, neither do we say, nor deep down do we desire that God will punish him for what he does. In this case not only do we not do harm to our neighbour, but we do him good. When someone prays for his neighbour, a good force proceeds from him and heals, strengthens and revives him. It is a mystery how this force leaves us. But, in truth, the person who has good within him radiates this good power to others, mystically and gently. He sends light to his neighbour and this creates a shield around him and protects him from evil. When we possess a good disposition towards others and pray, then we heal our fellows and we help them progress towards God.
There is an invisible life, the life of the soul. This is very powerful and can have effect on the other, even if we are miles apart. This also happens with the curse, which is a power that works evil. But if, conversely, we pray with love for someone, whatever the distance that separates us, the good is transmitted. So distances do not affect the power of good and evil. We can transmit these across boundless distances. Solomon the Wise says this very thing: „The noise of murmurings shall not be hidden.„ The noise of our soul is transmitted mysteriously and affects the other, even if we don„t say a word. Even without speaking we can transmit good or evil, irrespective of the distance which separates us from our neighbour. What is not expressed generally has greater power than words.