Dagelijks archief: woensdag 25 januari 2006

chris buzelli

In Illustration Now! (zie 23 januari) hebben 150 illustratoren een plek gevonden, maar een aantal ontbreken. Daarom schenk ik deze dagen aandacht aan de illustratoren die Julius Wiedemann over het hoofd zag of domweg negeerde. Na Charles Glaubitz (19 januari) en Jeff Soto (21 januari) volgt Chris Buzelli.

‘Nature or Nurture’
van Chris Buzelli
Chris Buzelli was born and raised outside of Chicago and on the waters of Lake Michigan. Chris was influenced by his Grandfather Armondo Buzelli at young age, painting side by side. After graduating from Rhode Island School of Design, Chris moved to New York City to start his career as an illustrator in 1995. His oil paintings have appeared in many national and international publications including The New York Times, Playboy, The Village Voice, LA times, Boston Globe, and US News & World Report.
