Dagelijks archief: woensdag 23 augustus 2006

hogere psychedelica [1]

Ernst Haeckel: Kunstformen der Natur, 1899-1904

De werkelijkheid van de natuur overstijgt de fantasie.

Ernst Haeckel
Tafel 31: Cyrtoidea (Radiolaria)
Haeckel’s specialty as a scientist was microscopic undersea organisms, things like plankton, diatoms, radiolaria, and larval jellyfish, and most of the graphics in the Kunstformen are of such creatures. Haeckel was a huge fan of symmetry and continuity. The Kunstformen are filtered through this attitude. So not only are they real and organic they are hyper-real, beyond organic, a product of imagination and exageration.
Bron: draves.org/dub/kunstformen.html

Kunstformen der Natur | Alle 100 platen