Maandelijks archief: april 2005

Pasen 2005 | Grote Donderdag

Troparion – Tone 6
Of Your Mystical Supper, O Son of God,
Accept me today as a communicant.
For I will not speak of Your mysteries
to Your enemies,
Neither like Judas will I give You a kiss,
But like the thief will I confess You.
Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom!
Het Laatste Avondmaal
Troparion – Tone 4
By Your precious blood,
You have redeemed us from the curse of the law.
By being nailed to the cross and pierced by a spear,
You have poured forth immortality for man.
O our Savior, glory to You!
Kontakion – Tone 8
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him
who was crucified for us,
For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree:
Though You do endure the cross,
You are my Son and my God!

Grote Donderdag

Pasen 2005 | Grote Woensdag

Troparion – Tone 8
When the glorious disciples were enlightened
At the washing of their feet before the supper,
Then the impious Judas was darkened,
ailing with avarice
And to the lawless judges he betrays You,
the righteous Judge.
Behold, O lover of money, this man who because of money hanged himself.
Flee from the greedy soul which dared such things against the Master.
O Lord, who is good towards all men, glory to You!
Kontakion – Tone 2
With his hands the betrayer receives the Bread.
With his hands he secretly receives the silver,
The price of Him who fashioned man with His hands;
So the servant and deceiver Judas remains depraved.

Pasen 2005 | Grote Dinsdag

Troparion – Tone 8
Behold the Bridegroom comes at midnight,
And blessed is the servant whom
He shall find watching,
And again unworthy is the servant whom
He shall find heedless.
Beware, therefore, O my soul,
do not be weighed down with sleep,
Lest you be given up to death and lest you
be shut out of the Kingdom.
But rouse yourself crying: Holy, Holy, Holy,
are You, O our God!
Through the Theotokos have mercy on us!
Kontakion – Tone 2
You know that this is the last hour, O wretched soul,
And fear the cutting of the fig tree.
Work diligently therefore at the talent given to you
Keep watch and pray:
Let us not remain outside
the bridal chamber of Christ.

Grote Dinsdag